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Grounded by the Process
but Guided by Intuition
Each painting in the "Fragmented" series combines images of various locations in America and Asia which have personal meaning. I am interested in how multiple landscapes with shifting scale and color can be ambiguous and yet soothing, evoking solitude, serenity, and reverence for wilderness in its primal state; rocks, trees, water, the patterns in nature, and its underlying math and geometry. Using an SLR digital camera to photograph landscapes, I alter the computer images, manipulating composition, color, and scale. Projected images are painted onto a rectilinear canvas in a photorealistic style, referencing order and tradition. Veils of color or abstract shapes may be incorporated, symbolizing fog, time of day, or mood. Grounded by the process but guided by intuition, I juxtapose scenes and individual objects and distort scale or shape to suggest a chaotic world in constant flux. In doing so, my intention is to suggest that reality, or our perception of it, consists of many contingencies.